Qamar Khalaf

Qamar Khalaf x

Qamar Khalaf, a Syrian actress, was born on April 9, 1970 in Aleppo, Syria.

Biography and life story of celebrity in English.

Basic info wiki card

Name in English: Qamar Khalaf
Name in Arabic: قمر خلف
Nationality: Syria
Language: Arabic, Syrian dialect
Religion: Islam
Date of birth: April 9, 1970
Place of birth: Aleppo, Syria
Age: 52 years old (in 2022)
Astrological Sign: Aries
Profession: Actress
Years of activity: 1998 – present
Social status: Married
Husband: Muhannad Qutaish (former), Mahyar Khaddour

Biography, Life story

Qamar Khalaf was born on April 9, 1970 in Aleppo, Syria. She started her artistic career in 1998, in the series Hammam Al-Qishani, in the third part. She was divorced from the artist Muhannad Qutaish, and on December 29, 2011 she married the artist Mahyar Khaddour. She has many distinguished roles and has a beautiful and elegant appearance on the screen.

List of works – Filmography


Nizar Qabbani, Daughters of the Family, Sabaya 2, The Time of Shame, His Power, Waiting, Another Rainy Day, Struggle Over the Witness, Flower of Narcissus, Al-Shoram Al-Shami (Part 1, 2), The Bee’s Way, Under the Treads, Relative Calm, Behind Bars, The Return of Ghawar.